Date: October 2, 2020
About The Project:
..this is one album we wish we never had to make.
The backdrop is 2020...racism is in full effect. Police brutality and the murder of American citizens...let us be clear..the murder of Black brothers and sisters, the protests...and the asshole who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC. All of these things, coupled with the attacks on immigrants and women have provoked this artistic response. This album does NOT condone the assault of or murder of police officers. However, the murder of citizens at the hands of those who are sworn and paid to protect them is unacceptable. Everyone is witnessing the result of government under sight in the midst of one of the worst pandemics in history as we head towards one of the most important presidential elections in U.S. history. This album is strictly for the people. Our lives are more than merely BLACK, and that is why WE matter. We are so much more. We love y'all. Let's fight smart. Let's fight with love at the center. And one more thing.....Fuck you, Donald Duck.
The last lunatics...CWT
Ona Move! Free Mumia! Free Chucky Africa!
Album Link: